May 2, 2024

Advanced strategy for “Total War: Three Kingdoms”

Advanced Strategy for “Total War: Three Kingdoms”


With the popularity of strategy games in the gaming industry, “Total War: Three Kingdoms” has emerged as a top choice for enthusiasts. This article will explore advanced strategies to excel in the game and dominate the battlefield.

1. Understanding the Three Kingdoms

To develop a successful strategy, it is crucial to comprehend the game’s historical context and the three main factions: Wei, Shu, and Wu. Familiarize yourself with their unique strengths, weaknesses, and legendary heroes to leverage their traits effectively during gameplay.

2. Diplomacy and Alliances

Diplomacy plays a significant role in “Total War: Three Kingdoms”. Building diplomatic relations and forming alliances can provide substantial benefits, such as shared military access, trade agreements, and military support. Choose your allies wisely, as they can help you maintain stability and expand your influence.

3. Optimal Unit Composition

Creating a well-balanced army is key to victory. Different units have varying abilities and strengths. Consider combining melee, ranged, and cavalry units to form a versatile force. Experiment with unit combinations and adapt to the battlefield conditions to gain an advantage over your opponents.

4. Utilizing Terrain and Formations

The battlefield is not just an empty space. Terrain features like hills, forests, and rivers can greatly impact battles. Use the landscape to your advantage by positioning your troops strategically and taking cover behind natural barriers. Experiment with different formations, such as turtle formation or envelopment, to maximize your combat effectiveness.

5. Economic Management

An efficient economy is vital for supporting your military campaigns. Pay attention to income generation, taxation policies, infrastructure development, and resource management. Balance your spending between military expansion and economic growth to maintain a sustainable empire.

6. Espionage and Spying

Unleash your inner strategist by infiltrating enemy territories. Utilize spies to gather intelligence, assassinate key enemy figures, sabotage enemy infrastructure, or ignite internal conflicts within rival factions. Strategic espionage can significantly weaken your adversaries and provide an edge in battle.

7. Technology and Research

Devote resources to research and development to unlock new technologies, weapons, and units. Upgrading your technological advancements will enable you to stay ahead of your opponents. Prioritize research based on your faction’s strengths and objectives.

8. Heroes and Generals

Heroes and generals possess unique abilities, skills, and traits. Strategically assign them to lead your armies, and invest in their personal growth through experience points and equipment. Cultivate relationships with legendary characters to unlock special abilities and bonuses, enhancing your military prowess.

9. Tactical Battle Considerations

During battles, pay attention to unit morale, fatigue levels, and formation disruptions. Utilize cavalry charges and flanking maneuvers to exploit vulnerable enemy positions. Consider the weather, time of day, and ambush opportunities as they can impact the outcome of conflicts.


Becoming a skilled general in “Total War: Three Kingdoms” requires understanding the game’s intricacies and implementing advanced strategies. By mastering diplomacy, unit composition, terrain manipulation, economy management, espionage, technology research, hero utilization, and tactical battle considerations, you can triumph over your rivals and establish your dominance in ancient China.

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